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Become a distributor

In our work to find new distributors that match our profile, we ask you complete this form with information about you and your company. The more you write, the more specificic we are able to be in our first answer to you. So please take your time to complete the form, and we will come back to you as soon as we can.

Application form

1. Contact information

2. Personal information
3. Sales and marketing
You should have current and active sales and marketing activities in the following segments:
4. References

You should have a track record and references from one or more other products/brands in the above mentioned segments.

6. Attachments
Add file
5. Company information

Size is not an issue for us. You can be a one-man show or part of large company. The important thing for us is:


  1. You can handle your market (i e your size in relation to the size of your market).

  2. You can ensure that everyone in the company/team is engaged in the products and brand.

Thank you for your interest!


We are working hard on finding new distributors matching our profile. We will now look closer to the information you have sent, and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

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